Important Things To Know About An OPG Test

An OPG Test from Phoenix Diagnostic can help you to know about your dental health. Contact us today for the best OPG Test in Kolkata.

Important Things To Know About An OPG Test

Have a look at how your teeth seem in the mirror. Your front tooth surfaces are fairly visible, and a little dental mirror allows you to view what’s going on behind your teeth. But can you see what’s happening within your mouth or below the gum line? Most likely not. The same issue affects your dentist, so they use OPG Test. This test makes the unseen visible and gives your dentist crucial diagnostic information so that they can address issues inside your teeth and gums. If you are searching for an affordable OPG Test Near Me, reach out to Phoenix Diagnostic, the best Best Diagnostic Center in Kolkata.

Phoenix Diagnostic has experienced and skilled experts who provide proper OPG Test in Kolkata. Our OPG machine instantaneously transmits high-quality picture scans of your teeth, gums, and jaw to the dentists, enabling them to evaluate your oral health during your checkup precisely.

Now let’s have a look at some essential things about OPG Test in detail:-

  • What is Orthopantomography or OPG?
  • Why is an OPG or Dental X-ray done?
  • How is an OPG or Dental X-ray done?

What is Orthopantomography or OPG?

Orthopantomography (OPG), a dental X-ray or an OPG Test, is an X-ray scan that provides a panoramic or comprehensive picture of the lower face. It records all teeth, gums, and bones on the upper and lower jaws in a single image, including any wisdom teeth that may not have fully erupted. Additionally, it seizes the temporomandibular joint, which joins the jaw to the rest of the skull and the jawbone.

Why is an OPG or Dental X-ray done?

Dental radiographs, often known as dental X-rays, are pictures of your teeth. Your dentist uses to assess your oral health or pinpoint particular issues like cavities, tooth rot, and impacted teeth. Dentists utilize OPG Test to observe all of their patient’s teeth, including the number, location, and growth of those teeth that have not yet fully emerged. An OPG test helps to assess the development of wisdom teeth. This is to check for the presence of wisdom teeth, to look at the jawbone, or to get a general idea of the patient’s oral health.

How is an OPG or Dental X-ray done?

Using low-level X-radiation, an  OPG Test or dental X-ray produces images of the mouth or jaw’s teeth, gums, and bones.

A horizontal rotating arm that carries an X-ray source and a moving film/cassette or detector at the opposite end makes up a dental X-ray machine. The head of the patient is securely positioned between the film/detector and the X-ray generator. This arm spins around the patient’s head. It takes multiple pictures to create a panoramic image of the lower half of the head. The patient is instructed to place their mouth on a chin rest. And gently bite down on a sterile mouthpiece to keep the head and mouth steady while capturing the images. Need an OPG Test in Kolkata? Contact Phoenix Diagnostic, Kolkata, today.

Final Words

For a beautiful smile, you must take care of your teeth. If you are thinking of an OPG Test, contact Phoenix Diagnostic, the  Best Diagnostic Center in Kolkata.

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