What Are The Reasons For Conducting The PFT Test?

If you opt for a PFT Test Center Near Me, then Phoenix Diagnostic Center can offer you the best PFT Test in Kolkata.

What Are The Reasons For Conducting The PFT Test?

There are different kinds of tests to diagnose various problems in our bodies. To detect any intensive lung problem, the PFT Test has been done. PFT stands for Pulmonary Function Test. It is a non-invasive test that evaluates the function of the lungs. It can also detect how well they can move air in and out and how well they can exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. 

If your doctor has prescribed a PFT Test and if you are looking for a PFT Test Center Near Me, then you can contact Phoenix Diagnostic Center. It is the Best Diagnostic Center in Kolkata that can provide you with the PFT Test in Kolkata. Apart from PFT Test, we also provide an array of tests ranging from Digital X-Ray, Uroflowmetry, Color Doppler pathology, and echo to NCV, EEG, and EMG tests. We can assure you of the best possible results and care.

Now, let’s look into the possible reasons why a PFT Test may be conducted:-

  • Diagnosing lung diseases
  • Assessing lung function before surgery
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of treatment
  • Screening for occupational lung diseases
  • Assessing disability

Diagnosing lung diseases:

PFTs are commonly used to diagnose various lung diseases like asthma, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pulmonary fibrosis. These tests can help determine the severity of the disease and monitor its progression.

Assessing lung function before surgery:

PFTs may be conducted before surgery to assess patients’ lung function and determine if they are at increased risk of postoperative complications. This is especially important for patients undergoing lung surgery or general anaesthesia.

In case you opt for a PFT Test Center Near Me, then Phoenix Diagnostic Center would be the best choicefor you to conduct PFT Test in Kolkata. We have all the necessary equipment to provide you with the best possible services, and it is the Best Diagnostic Center in Kolkata. Our staff are very hospitable and sincere as well as well trained to deliver you the required services. We are available in Palta, Barrackpore, and Ichapur Kalitala.

Evaluating the effectiveness of treatment:

PFTs can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for lung diseases. For example, if a patient is undergoing treatment for asthma, PFTs can be used to measure improvements in lung function over time.

Screening for occupational lung diseases:

PFTs may be conducted as part of a routine health screening for individuals who are exposed to substances that can damage the lungs, such as asbestos, silica, or coal dust. This can help detect lung diseases early before they become severe.

Assessing disability:

PFTs may be used to assess the degree of disability in patients with lung diseases. This information can be used to determine eligibility for disability benefits and to quantify the impact of the disease on the patient’s quality of life. So that proper treatment can be served.

Closing Words

PFTs are valuable to the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of lung diseases. They are safe and provide important information about lung function that can help guide treatment decisions. Are you looking for a PFT Test Center Near Me, then Phoenix Diagnostic Center can offer you the best PFT Test in Kolkata. It is the Best Diagnostic Center in Kolkata.

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